
Showing posts from December, 2018

Police deal with mob in new way!

What if real police broke up a mob by dancing around them ? It would change the world! IAN 41 Watchung Plaza, B242 Montclair ,  NJ   07042 973.746.2014

Cancer cured by changing T-cells; Young people inspire with God's gift

Woman with lymphoma gets cured in 30 days changing T-cells : not for everyone. Young people are our future: IAN 41 Watchung Plaza, B242 Montclair ,  NJ   07042 973.746.2014

One woman makes the difference ... again.

One woman, 97, helped save our right to vote in NC like she did in 1942: Say Preamble !   We the People of the  United States , in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this  Constitution  for the  United States  of America. IAN 41 Watchung Plaza, B242 Montclair ,  NJ   07042 973.746.2014

Paradise gifts; best photos 2018; Michelle; cancer test in 10 min.

Just in time … after losing everything in Paradise How did they get that shot? 100 Best Photos by National Geographic Utah 's Bears Ears! Michelle tells women they just need confidence —everyone else is not really that smart. Blood test can detect cancer in 10 minutes . 90% accuracy for early treatment. IAN 41 Watchung Plaza, B242 Montclair ,  NJ   07042 973.746.2014