
Showing posts from August, 2019

She could beat him; Queen kills Parliament; Opioid execs avoid jail; Alex beat killer cancer

She’s the One who could beat him Can you see it? Queen suspends Parliament so right-wing can end ties to Europe without discussion Miracle: No opioid exec goes to jail : their company pays fine; they got bonuses. We died. Alex Trebek beat the cancer that kills : Pancreatic 4 used to guarantee death . IAN 41 Watchung Plaza, B242 Montclair ,  NJ   07042 973.746.2014

Chute fails; ban AR bullets?; priest's 'racist' dog? Trump is 'God' in Israel?

Your lucky day: woman survives chute failure 5,000 foot fall —hit trees at 120 MPH Miracle if Congress bans AR magazines : NOT for hunting; just killing: 41 in 32 seconds Catholic teaching: the priest’s “racist” dog got black cleaning lady fired. He blames dog? Trump retweet: Israelis “love him [Trump] like he is the second coming of God .” IAN 41 Watchung Plaza, B242 Montclair ,  NJ   07042 973.746.2014

Priests still abuse; police tow man; warming kills; neighbors turn nice

Takes a miracle: Despite the news, even Pope’s letter, priests still abusing children . Jail? Take a Miracle? Police lead black man on rope by horseback through town like past. Save this spaceship : Troops with heatstroke double from 2008 : EPA kills Bristol Bay life. Angry neighbors turned nice : “Kindness goes such a long way. Gratitude goes such a long way.” IAN 41 Watchung Plaza, B242 Montclair ,  NJ   07042 973.746.2014

Save Earth; racism--silence is acquiescence; civilian weaponry; Brady shot gets action

Save this spaceship: July hottest month ever —since the dinosaurs! Talk is cheap. Only 2 protestant leaders are outraged : we accept Trump racism : silence is acquiescence . Dayton police: ‘ Fundamentally problematic' for civilian to have that level of weaponry What is it going to take to end MASS murder ? Reagan man Brady shot; got GOP action. IAN 41 Watchung Plaza, B242 Montclair ,  NJ   07042 973.746.2014

Stop glaciers melting; student finds new cure; medical debt paid off for 10,000

It will take a miracle to stop another glacier melting away . Save this spaceship ! Bedridden 11 years, student researches and finds cure for his rare family ailment . Two guys settle medical debt of 10,000 people in Appalachia : Americans in trouble. IAN 41 Watchung Plaza, B242 Montclair ,  NJ   07042 973.746.2014