teens save woman,Alzheimer's,fish artist,Russian soldier,save trees?,loans
Teens on their way to school saved woman in trouble : “we just did the right thing." Flu shot may retard Alzheimer’s : influenza vaccination associated with reduced AD risk Fish creates perfect love nest for partner : no protractor or compass or ruler Russian soldier explains how war developed for him Can we save our trees ? Extinction being helped by insects, climate, fires. Feds cancel $10,000 student debt for most: $20K for Pell: No tax : payment pause Dec 31 MO brings back child beating as school corrective : back back back we go @ Light is both a particle and a wave depending on how we look at the light . I don’t think that there is any such thing as a position or a velocity of a particle. Everything in universe: galaxies to stones made of subatomic energy ‘vibrations’ A subatomic ‘particle’ is the smallest possible vibration (quantum) of a quantum field . Mass–energy equivalence : E=mc^2. At the smallest level...