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Using a person’s corneal stem cells to restore their vision after a catastrophic eye injury Wireless wearable sensor monitors organ health has ‘potential to save and improve lives’ Synthetic biologists tinker with cells : get them to do new things: fight specific cancer Medicine without doctors ? State laws are changing who treats patients. Wind kites replace oil fuel, a cost-effective environmental energy for cargo ships. Gastric bypass surgery keeps diabetes in remission for years FDA approved vaccine that protects newborns from respiratory syncytial virus, RSV. Could robots swimming in your veins hold the key to defeating cancer ? Blood test might “strongly predict” the likelihood of heart or kidney disease later Putin’s main challenger Prighozin on his own plane crashed: coincidence or plan ? Steel vats hold sand , heated to around 1,000ยบ F, producing stored energy Survived: 'Miracle house' owner hopes it...