guns at Walmart, old beauty, whale saves train, GOP 6-3 Supremes, Zooming relatives


Walmart puts guns and ammo back on display: cash in on fear? Hold T’s WH?

Reclaiming old beauty of Brooklyn breweries: conservation of what we have

Whale saves train riders


GOP 6-3 Supremes primed to reverse US back to 1950s: abortions illegal, dirty air, no wildlife reserves, no voting rights, 0 immigrants, no health care, red-lining housing, no interracial couples, Trump self-pardon, cancel IRS audit, no gays, discriminate by religion, decide our elections, dismiss suit Trump as rapist, etc


We can apply for Medicare online:

We can apply for Social Security online:


We can see/talk to folks around the world for free: using Zoom, video conferencing



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MontclairNJ   07042



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