Immigrants important, masks or death, home test, vaccines, make diamonds


Turkish immigrants made vaccine Pfizer is making to help us get past virus: Scientists!

North/South Dakota leading the nation in new cases: GOP resists mask mandates 250K

Our immune system works if we let it grow: antibiotics early in life hurts later life health

Covid vaccine 95% effective but how long are we protected from getting Covid again ???


30 min Covid-19 self-testing kit $50 at-home diagnosis: accuracy 94%: costs vary.

Experience really foul smells of 16th century people who never bathed, relieved in street

Make diamonds in minutes: finally you don’t have to wait for that big ring.


We can apply for Medicare online:

We can apply for Social Security online:

We can apply for health care online:




41 Watchung Plaza, B242

MontclairNJ   07042



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