warming,no electric,long days,2-head turtle,booster vaxx,vaxteen


Warming: Western fires could burn thru October: hydropower shut down—no electric

https://www.vaxteen.org/about: when you know a vax is right for you

Earth’s oxygen level created when days got longer: billions of years ago and still longer


two-headed baby sea turtle on shore in SC: genetic mutation

Booster shot needed before winter for Moderna vaccine: Covid mutants

There are 331 million separate opinions in America on just about every topic: GO USA


We can apply for Medicare online: https://blog.ssa.gov/apply-for-medicare-online

We can apply for Social Security online: https://www.ssa.gov/benefits/retirement/

We can apply for health care online: https://www.healthcare.gov/



41 Watchung Plaza, B242

MontclairNJ   07042



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