CO^2 extinction,ugly,females win,courage,teachers help Chris,killing birds

 Permian mass extinction: rapidly rising CO^2 from volcanic eruptions in Siberia

Ugly buildings: contest to see how bad it can be

Iceland has elected first female-majority parliament: future of Congress working?


Berlin’s first female mayor Fran after historic electoral gains for her center-left party. 

Let’s talk about courage: Zion knows: when you feel frustrated to continue.

Retirement fund build up: Stones back on the road working for more cash


Custodian Chris, no car, walks miles to work so teachers bought him used Chevy`

Biden finally reverses Trump: penalties for killing birds confirmed


We can apply for Medicare online:

We can apply for Social Security online:

We can apply for health care online:


Wisdom comes only thru suffering Aeschylus



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