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Congress not like real parents: they never see what bullets do to our children’s bodies

New Social Security card free online:

Proteins turn adult cell into stem cell: get sight back in mice: humans next

Mick Jagger, age 78 Keith Richards 78, perform Liverpool, Stones' Sixty Tour ('62-'22).


D-Day: millions began taking back Europe from Nazis dictatorship

Cured: rectal cancer patients: dostarlimab $11,000 per dose

Building walls convert sunlight into electricity: Australian office tower runs on itself


Anthony Perry Chicago man jumps on tracks to save man: gets car to get to work on time

A little compassion:

Arctic burning already: The Siberian fire season may be more severe : northern Alaska

Worms (beetles) eat Styrofoam to clean environment





Everything in universe: galaxies to stones made of subatomic energy ‘vibrations’

Light is both a particle and a wave depending on how we look at the light.

A subatomic ‘particle’ is the smallest possible vibration (quantum) of a quantum field.

Mass–energy equivalence: E=mc^2.  At the smallest level; Everything is moving!

Inside protons, neutrons, it is the fields of the virtual particles that creates its mass.

“Empty space is a boiling, bubbling brew of virtual particles that pop in and out of existence in a time scale so short that you can’t even measure them.” Space expanding.


We can apply for Medicare online:

We can apply for Social Security online:

We can apply for health care online:





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