
Showing posts from March, 2019

ObamaCare insures 20 million; why male priests abuse kids & nuns; we lock up wrong people

ObamaCare saved US $2.3 TRILLION in projected costs : 20 million new insured Notre Dame giving $1 million: why male priests abuse kids & nuns . Everyone knows!! “ Suffer the little children ” America is locking up all the wrong people . IAN 41 Watchung Plaza, B242 Montclair ,  NJ   07042 973.746.2014

Boy survives tetanus despite parents, immigrant ran TO the killer, NZ bans 400 RPM slaughter

Boy survives tetanus but cost him 57 hospital pain days, rehab, $812,000, parents still refused . This immigrant ran toward the killer of 50 and saved others . NZ bans military killing machines after atrocity : Is this what it takes in US? 200 300 400 dead? IAN 41 Watchung Plaza, B242 Montclair ,  NJ   07042 973.746.2014

Sicle cell cure; Tribe pays for others' needs; ideology hurts child; we waste what could help us.

Cure from sickle cell anemia : stem cells were genetically modified to correct a DNA flaw Indian Tribe donates all the funeral charges for 23 tornado victims of Lee Co, AL. Parents of unvaccinated child make him suffer for months from tetanus : he recovers! We care about inequality: 1/3 of $ Billions on GoFundMe are for medical necessities Yet one group wastes $61 Billions tax money on stuff we don’t really need . IAN 41 Watchung Plaza, B242 Montclair ,  NJ   07042 973.746.2014

1 Facebook use, real 'fake news', ask questions

School principal reads bedtime story to her kids via Facebook if parents are too busy! Teen uses facts not ‘hysteria’ to protect himself and others: ‘ fake news .’ 7,575 deaths ! IAN 41 Watchung Plaza, B242 Montclair ,  NJ   07042 973.746.2014

Child abusers get off; Trump's Mob indicted?; bookstore competitor helps the other guy

Pope tells criminal abusers and their cover up leaders to just stop doing it : no jail time–except in Australia . Iowa list of abusers has only dead priests— Current abusers stopped? Who’s in Trump’s Mob — indicted and not yet indicted ? Giving aid & comfort to enemy Bookstore owner in hospital so competitors keep it open for him so no losses . IAN 41 Watchung Plaza, B242 Montclair ,  NJ   07042 973.746.2014