
Showing posts from November, 2019

one person makes difference, miracle healing, priests get sentence, nuns fear clergy

10 yr old saved from own family pit bull attack by neighbor: quick action saved her arm 5 yr old thrown from mall balcony is going home after 15 surgery/procedures Priests finally receive justice for abuse of children but not from Pope/Bishops from govt! 74% of nuns say there’s at least one clergy they would not trust with a child overnight . IAN 41 Watchung Plaza, B242 Montclair ,  NJ   07042 973.746.2014

Art history Ark, blessed are children, warming takes everything, greater good

Venice under water again—can art history be saved? Reversing the tide of warming 9 yr old fills in for Trump’s food stamp cuts at least in one community: 8,000 lose food! Predator of young gets caught in sting by teens acting out TV show : YouTube proof! Pakistan’s glaciers melt : taking out farms; everything Two separate communities—black; white—put aside politics for greater good: unity IAN 41 Watchung Plaza, B242 Montclair ,  NJ   07042 973.746.2014

small town hero, breast cancer blood test, Venice under water

Small town hero shows love by example : He could have wasted $ on homes, cars etc Blood test detecting breast cancer up to  five years  before any actual clinical signs in UK Venice under 6 ft flood : 6 times 1200 years; 4 in last 20. Climate change! Germany ends coal mining in 20 years : currently 1/3 power from coal. US ends Paris A. See  The Day the Earth Caught Fire : IAN 41 Watchung Plaza, B242 Montclair ,  NJ   07042 973.746.2014

catholic capitalism, climate emergency, Kansas rejects MLK sign

Rubio thinks Catholicism can save capitalism : “social doctrine does not get lot of attention.” “World scientists’ warning of a climate emergency,” as America becomes a “mafia state.” Kansas City rejects Martin Luther King Jr street sign in black areas.   IAN 41 Watchung Plaza, B242 Montclair ,  NJ   07042 973.746.2014

Coal miner bankrupt, wildfire prep, TB vaccine, Trump leaves NYC

Another coal miner Murray bankrupt despite Trump cancels environmental regulations . Wildfire prep kit: TB vaccine " It could save more than 600,000 lives per year " Phase 3 trials early stages.  Man who never paid taxes and proud of it leaves NYC : Moving TrumpTower to Moscow IAN 41 Watchung Plaza, B242 Montclair ,  NJ   07042 973.746.2014